The Revision course

It is addressed to any student from the fourth to seventh grade who wishes to revise the subject learned in the previous year or years of study. The subject provided in the national curriculum is covered.

It is something created by us by the method of organizing the hours and the technique of work, the form of the course is always changing, it is a lively course because we take into account the suggestions received previously, the students actively participate in the reprobation of the subject, they react notions, information is hierarchized, everything written by their hand, with the help of colours and exercises well chosen to fix the concepts discussed.

And yes, pupils get a short homework to practice the theories.

You can reserve a place for one week of revision, two, three or for the whole course, depending on the wishes of the parent.

Each week a year of study is revised.

The cost is 450 lei per week, five days a week, from 9 a.m. to 12 and are organized in the partner school announced before the start of the course.

Children receive from us everything they need for the course, even colouring, maps, sheets, etc. they bring only water, snacks and good mood.

Registration is only on this site.

Registration of students

Please complete the form, and we will contact you within 24 hours.

  • Recap the subject from these grades:

Contact form

Please complete the form, and we will contact you within 24 hours.

9 + 5 =



Prof. Caciora Roxana Livia

(+4) 0743855526

Oradea, P-ța 1 Decembrie, Bl. 19A, Ap. 10

Mathematics of 10

Prof. Caciora Roxana Livia

Piaţa 1 Decembrie 19A, Ap. 10, Oradea
Tel: (+4) 0743855526