About us

Caciora Roxana Livia – Math Teacher

I have graduated:
Nicolae Balcescu Secondary School in Oradea
Emanuil Gojdu National College (with a top graduation degree 9,72)
Science Faculty in Oradea (9,87 having a scholarship during all four years of study)
Masters in Analysis and Algebraic Topological Systems

Tenured exam (Top mark 10)
Tenured Professor in the Public System since 2008.

I chose to become freelancer teacher after a long experience in both public and private system and I gave up my tenured position because I saw things a bit different. In terms of learning, they talk about their personalization and individualization, but there are no appropriate conditions necessary for the application of resources, they talk about how the pupil should be at the centre of teaching but he is obviously not, at least not all the time.

So, I realised that if I wanted to do my job as I felt it should be done, it was not enough to observe the weakness of the system but I had to come up with the solution. So this is the way “Mathematics for A levels (top marks)” started.

First of all, I wanted it to be a welcoming place, to get you to study and to challenge you to get your mind moving. A place where students learn to study and become better at math. Not everyone can talk about excellence in mathematics, but we all want progress.

Contact form

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Prof. Caciora Roxana Livia

(+4) 0743855526


Oradea, P-ța 1 Decembrie, Bl. 19A, Ap. 10

Mathematics of 10

Prof. Caciora Roxana Livia

Piaţa 1 Decembrie 19A, Ap. 10, Oradea
Tel: (+4) 0743855526
Email: contact@matematicade10.ro